맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

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Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지



The Tuk Tuk

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • The tuk tuk is the first thing that comes to mind when people think of getting around in Thailand. The tuk tuk is a bicycle with three wheels. Its history can be traced back to the 1930s, when the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Japan donated 20,000 second-hand rickshaws to Thailand. The tuk tuk is famous among tourists in Thailand, especially for first-time visitors. For an interesting way to see the city, the tuk tuk is the best experience.

Vocabulary Corner

trace back to Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications donate rickshaws especially
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

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~까지 거슬러 올라가다

Useful expression

comes to mind 갑자기 생각이 떠오르다

  • When I think of my childhood, memories of lazy afternoons in the garden with my brothers come to mind.
    어린시절을 생각하면, 형과 정원에서 느긋한 오후를 보냈던 추억이 떠오른다.

  • Pink is not usually the color that comes to mind, when people think about what color to paint a baby boy’s room.
    사람들은 남자아기방을 페인트칠할 때 핑크색을 보통 떠올리지는 않는다.

  • An image of ballrooms and people in fancy clothes comes to mind when I hear this classical music.
    클래식음악을 들으면 무도회장에서 화려한 옷을 입은 사람들의 이미지가 떠오른다.


단어를 선택해주세요.

맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘
Q & A
Q. Have you experienced any
transportation, like the tuk tuk, in other parts of the world?
A. Yes, I have. Venice Italy is famous for being a city on water. People in Venice get around on boats, known as the gondola, on the canals all over the city. There are also water taxis and shuttles for visitors and locals to get around the city. During my visit to this magical city, I saw a lot of gondolas, water taxis, and shuttles. My ride on the gondola was one of the most romantic and glamorous experience I have ever had.
unique gondola canals magical glamorous

단어를 선택해주세요.

운하, 수로
마법 같은
매력이 넘치는
trace back to ~까지 거슬러 올라가다
Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications 우정성(일본)
donate 기부하다
rickshaws 인력거
especially 특히
ballroom 무도회장
unique 특별한
gondola 곤돌라
canals 운하, 수로
magical 마법 같은
glamorous 매력이 넘치는