맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

전체 지도

Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지




  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • The religion in Thailand is Buddhism. Buddhism practiced in Thailand is somewhat different to other Buddhist nations. It has been influenced by other religions and beliefs, such as Hinduism and traditional Chinese beliefs. Visitors will find daily reminders of Buddhism during their travels, from towering temples along the Chao Phraya River to spirit houses protecting buildings. Many Thai people give daily offerings to spirit houses and feed street dogs to gain merit. They believe that they will live longer and happier lives by making and gaining merit.

Vocabulary Corner

practice somewhat influence belief reminder towering spirit house protect offering gain merit
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

단어를 선택해주세요.

영향을 주다
생각나게 하는 것
우뚝 솟은
정령의 집
Q & A
Q. What is unique about Buddhism in Thailand?
A. Buddhism in Thailand is influenced by other religions and beliefs, such as Hinduism and some traditional Chinese beliefs. Buddhism is also so much a part of the daily lives of Thais. Not only can elements of Buddhism be seen everywhere in the country, but Buddhist beliefs have also shaped the core of who the Thais are. Buddhist beliefs such as patience, kindness, and joy have shaped the kind of people that the Thais are today. This has in turn made Thailand and the people of Thailand a place to visit and a people to experience like no other in the world.
not only A but(also) B elements core patience kindness in turn

단어를 선택해주세요.

A뿐만 아니라 B도

Useful expression

like no other 어느 ~와도 같지 않은
  • The Statue of Liberty in New York is a statue like no other in the world. 뉴욕에 있는 자유여신상은 세계의 어떤 다른 어떤것들과도 견줄 수 없는 조각상이다.
  • She is the best cook in the world, like no other! 그녀는 어느 이세상 누구와도 같지 않은 최고의 요리사이다.
  • That movie had an impact on me like no other movie I have seen. 그 영화는 내가 여지껏 본 다른 영화들 과는 다르게 나에게 영향을 주었다.
The Statue of Liberty have an impact on

단어를 선택해주세요.

영향을 주다
practice 행하다
somewhat 다소
influence 영향을 주다
belief 믿음
reminder 생각나게 하는 것
towering 우뚝 솟은
spirit house 정령의 집
protect 보호하다
offering 공물
gain 얻다
merit 공로
not only A but(also) B A뿐만 아니라 B도
elements 구성요소
core 핵심의
patience 인내
kindness 친절
in turn 결과적으로
The Statue of Liberty 자유여신상
have an impact on 영향을 주다