맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

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맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지




  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • Jane’s issue
    I have a six-month-old baby and a 3-year-old son, so I don’t get much sleep now. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I had a full night’s sleep. I always have bags under my eyes and messy hair. Last night I slept about 5 hours as the baby woke up three times. When I woke up in the morning,
    I had a headache, and it was difficult for me to stay awake at work. When will I be able to have whole night’s sleep?

Vocabulary Corner

in fact remember bags under one’s eyes messy slept woke up headache difficult stay awake be able to
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

단어를 선택해주세요.

sleep의 과거, 자다
wake up의 과거, 일어나다
깨어 있다
할 수 있다

Discussion Questions
수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.

  • 1.

    How much sleep do you usually get?
  • 2.

    Do you manage to sleep as much as you need? If not, why not?
  • 3.

    Have you ever suffered from insomnia?
  • 4.

    What do you do when you have trouble sleeping? Do you use any special tips that help you get to sleep?
  • 5.

    Do you have a nap at lunchtime or at another time of the day? Does it help?
  • 6.

    Have you ever slept in a strange place that was not a bed?
manage suffer from insomnia trouble

단어를 선택해주세요.

맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘
어떻게든 ~하다
(고통을) 겪다

Expression Quiz
수업 시간 전에 정답을 선택해 보세요.

  • Q1

    Which one of these is “toss and turn
    to move about and turn over in bed because one is unable to sleep
    Choose Answer
  • Q2

    Which one of these is “sleep in
    to sleep later than you usually do, or later than most people do
    Choose Answer

Vocabulary Quiz
수업 시간 전에 정답을 선택해 보세요.

  • Q1

    Which one of these is “snooze
    Choose Answer
  • Q2

    Which one of these is “nap
    Choose Answer
  • Q3

    Which one of these is “oversleep
    Choose Answer
  • Q4

    Which one of these is “make a bed
    Choose Answer
  • Q5

    Which one of these is “go to bed
    Choose Answer
  • Q6

    Which one of these is “nightmare
    Choose Answer

Fill in the blank
수업 시간 전에 공란 정답을 입력해 보세요.

to stay awake at work.

직장에서 깨어 있기가 너무 힘들어.