단어를 선택해주세요.
What kind of foods do you normally eat for lunch?2.
Who do you usually have lunch with? Are you comfortable eating alone or do you prefer to eat regularly with your colleagues?3.
How long is your lunch break? Is that enough to eat and rest?4.
Have you ever skipped lunch because you were so busy with work?5.
What other activities do you do besides eating at lunch? Is your productivity in the afternoon affected by how you spend your lunch break?6.
Among the things that successful people do at lunch break in the passage above, are there anything that you are already doing or would like to try?단어를 선택해주세요.
devour | 걸신 들린듯 먹다 |
squeeze in | (몹시 바쁜데도 불구하고) ~을 위한 짬을 내다 |
deadline | 마감일 |
function | (제대로)기능하다 |
recharge | 재충전하다 |
as well | ~도 또한 |
refresh | 생기를 되찾게 하다 |
mindset | 마음가짐 |
take advantage of | ~을 기회로 활용하다 |
provide | 제공하다 |
boost | 증가 |
a sense of accomplishment | 성취감 |
electronics | 전자기기 |
instead | 대신에 |
solution | 해결책 |
apply | 적용하다 |
normally | 보통 |
comfortable | 편안한 |
productivity | 생산성 |
affect | 영향을 미치다 |