단어를 선택해주세요.
Tell me a little about yourself.2.
What makes you unique?3.
Tell me about the passion in your life as it relates to your work.4.
Rate yourself from one to ten on your work ethic with ten being best. Tell me how you think other people would describe you.5.
Tell me about the last book that you read. / What was a movie you saw recently that impressed you?6.
What is your favorite color and what does it reflect in your personality?단어를 선택해주세요.
frequently | 빈번히 |
candidate | 지원자 |
seriously | 심각하게 |
be related to | 연관되다 |
priority | 우선순위 |
evaluate | 평가하다 |
confident | 자신감 있는 |
colleague | 동료 |
accept | 받아들이다 |
reflect | 반영하다 |
highlight | 강조하다 |
passion | 열정 |
relate to | 관련되다 |
rate | 평가하다 |
ethic | 윤리 |
describe | 묘사하다 |
impress | 감명을 주다 |
reflect | 반영하다 |
personality | 성격 |