단어를 선택해주세요.
Have you ever bought or would you ever buy what you thought was "luxury" goods?2.
Do you think people buy luxury goods because they are better quality than other goods or because they like other people to see that they can afford to buy them?3.
Do you know anybody who habitually uses/wears luxury goods? Are they super rich or just rich?4.
What is the craziest example of a luxury item you have heard of?5.
Have you ever been jealous that someone had something you didn’t?6.
Do you think that luxury goods make people happy? What is something that you can spend money on that will make you happy? How long will it make you happy for?단어를 선택해주세요.
Which one of these is “crazy about(for)”Q2
Which one of these is “afford to”Q1
Which one of these is “costly”Q2
Which one of these is “fancy”Q3
Which one of these is “a sense of fashion”Q4
Which one of these is “quality”Q5
Which one of these is “fashion savvy”Q6
Which one of these is “belonging”차라리 그 돈을 부유한 가방회사에 주지 말고 어려운 아이들을 먹이는 자선단체에 가방 살 돈을 기부했으면 좋겠다.