In Canada, you will often hear Canadians using the expression ‘eh’. This expression is a big part of Canadian speech. In English, the word ‘eh’ is used to express confusion or for someone to repeat something. In Canada, it is added to the end of statements to check for understanding of what was said, for agreement, and to add emphasis. It can also be used to change a sentence into a question. For example, “The weather is nice,” becomes “The weather is nice, eh?” This has the same meaning as “The weather is nice, don’t you agree?”
Do you have any expression similar to ‘eh’ that is used frequently in your culture?
Americans, especially in the western states of America, will frequently use the phrase, “You know what I mean?” This phrase is said to check for agreement of what two people are talking about. Usually, the speaker already knows that the listener understands what they are saying. The phrase is said to show agreement, that they are both on the same page. It is also said when something is too difficult to express, but the speaker knows that the listener understands what is not said.
단어를 선택해주세요.
What are some language expressions that you use when leading a discussion?
What is the reason that residents of Churchill leave their cars unlocked?
What is NOT the correct reason Canadians say eh after?
Choose the one that does not match the above paragraphs.
Vocabulary Check (Preview)
The doves are beginning to _____ the hawks.
비둘기가 매보다 많아지고 있다.
He gets _____ when he is drunk.
그는 술이 취하면 공격적이 된다.
_____ animals all use their physical features to catch their food.