The English corporate culture is quitecasual and open, compared to the Asian corporate culture. In the English corporate culture, employees can freelyexpress their opinions about the work without fear from employers. In fact, this is encouraged for new and better ideas. Employees can also enjoy a beer with bosses in casual environments. This is ideal compared to working cultures in Asia. In Asia, employees are obligated to have drinks with bosses and are expected tobehave in very formal ways.
What do you think is the typical corporate culture in Korea?
The Korean company that my father worked in seemed to have typical hierarchical working culture. I heard it created a competitive, tense, and often unfair working environment in the workplace. He also told me that he felt unsuited to this kind of company culture, so my father decided to make a change. He found a new job with a company that has a quite casual corporate culture, where effective teamwork is the focus and all voices count. This is prettyunusual in South Korea, and I am proud that he found one of the better working environments in South Korea.