맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

전체 지도

Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Fun Facts


Mount Disappointment

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • In Australia, there is a mountain by the name of Mount Disappointment. Explorers Hume and Hovell gave this mountain its name in 1824. They were disappointed that they could not view the bay from the summit because of the trees and gave the mountain its name. Aside from its name, Mount Disappointment is not a disappointment in any way. It is a beautiful mountain with ideal grounds for camping, horse riding, four-wheel driving, and trail bike riding.

Vocabulary Corner

disappointment explorer disappoint view summit aside from ideal ground
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

단어를 선택해주세요.

Q & A
Q. Have you ever been disappointed by a place or activity that you thought would be interesting, or excited about a place or activity that you thought would be boring?
A. Yes, I have. The place that I lived in when I was a child was surrounded by mountains. It was just two hours away from Park City, a famous skiing resort where the 2002 Winter Olympics took place. As a young teenager, I would always ask my father to bring us to Park City for skiing, because I thought it was the best place for skiing. He always brought me to the mountains near our house for skiing instead and I would complain a lot to him. I am sure I got on his nerves but he never got angry.
I was so excited the first time that I went to Park City with my friends when I was older. However, I quickly became very disappointed. The whole place was crowded. It took forever to get onto the ski lifts because of all the people waiting in line, and I kept running into people, especially children who got in the way, when I was skiing. It wasn’t the experience that I thought it would be at such a famous ski resort. I realized very quickly that the mountains near my old home were actually much better than Park City! The mountains were always quiet. The snow was always beautiful because there was no one else on it but us. If we were lucky enough to see the sun setting on the snow, it sparkled like a beautiful scene out of a Christmas card, and I finally understood why my father always brought me there and nowhere else.
be surrounded by take place teenager instead complain quickly crowded wait in line run into get in the way realize quiet sun setting sparkle nowhere else

단어를 선택해주세요.

~로 둘러 쌓여 있다
줄 서서 기다리다
충돌하다, 부딪치다
해가 지는 것, 노을
다른 어디에도 없는

Useful expression

get on (someone’s) nerves 짜증나게 하다, 남의 신경을 거슬리다
  • My neighbor’s singing is starting to get on my nerves. 이웃에서 나는 노래소리는 정말 짜증나게 한다.
  • My brother’s new girlfriend talks all the time and it gets on my nerves. 오빠의 새로운 여자친구는 쉴 새 없이 떠드는데, 정말 거슬린다.
  • It really gets on my nerves that all he talks about is how much money he makes. 그는 맨날 자기가 얼마를 벌었는지에 대해서만 얘기하는데 진심 짜증난다.
neighbor talk all the time

단어를 선택해주세요.

쉴 새 없이 떠들다
disappointment 실망
explorer 탐험가
disappoint 실망시키다
view 보다
summit 정상
aside from ~외에는
ideal 이상적인
be surrounded by ~로 둘러 쌓여 있다
take place 개최하다
teenager 청소년
instead ~대신에
complain 불평하다
quickly 재빨리
crowded 붐비는
wait in line 줄 서서 기다리다
run into 충돌하다, 부딪치다
get in the way 방해되다
realize 깨닫다
quiet 조용한
sun setting 해가 지는 것, 노을
sparkle 반짝이다
nowhere else 다른 어디에도 없는
neighbor 이웃
talk all the time 쉴 새 없이 떠들다