맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

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맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Day 1 – Sleep

Level 4

Day 1 – Sleep

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

  • I am about to enter high school. There is only a week left in summer vacation and then I am officially a high schooler. I have two sisters who are already in high school, and they are so cool. They have so many friends, are tall and pretty. They are also so smart. I am worried I will look like a baby when I go to school.

    I have been worried about it for a whole month now. I have been having trouble falling asleep. My mom says I have insomnia. I toss and turn all night and just can’t seem to drift off to sleep. My mom gives me warm milk to help, but it just makes me have to use the bathroom. I finally am able to fall asleep around 2 in the morning. But this causes me to sleep in and miss breakfast. So, I get more worried about not being able to wake up in time for the school bus and being late on my first day of school.

    I have bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep and my busy schedule. I have academy lessons every day that don’t end till late at night and then the homework takes forever to finish. The topics we are learning these days are getting more advanced and I am having trouble comprehending what the lessons are about. So, I need to stay up later and research more examples and explanations of the topics till I am able to understand. I wonder if my regular schoolwork is going to be this hard as well. Will I be able to survive the academic level of a high schooler?


    "Toss and turn" : To move about and turn over in bed because one is unable to sleep

    "Sleep in" : To sleep later than you usually do, or later than most people do

    "Bags under my eyes" : To have puffy under eyes due to lack of sleep.

Vocabulary Corner

insomnia lack comprehending research explanations academic
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

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Discussion Questions
수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.

  • 1.

    How much sleep do you usually get?
  • 2.

    Do you manage to sleep as much as you need? If not, why not?
  • 3.

    Have you ever suffered from insomnia?
  • 4.

    What do you do when you have trouble sleeping? Do you use any special tips that help you get to sleep?
  • 5.

    Do you have a nap at lunchtime or at another time of the day? Does it help?
  • 6.

    Have you ever slept in a strange place that was not a bed?
What is wrong with the narrator?
When is Jane going to start high school?
What is the narrator ‘s issue with her academy work?
Vocabulary Check (Preview)
I have trouble sleeping. I think I have _____.
If our bodies _____ vitamins, we get sick easily.
I am not _____ this assignment. It is too complex.
_____ is so boring. All I do is read.
The professor had really good _____ in class.
I am trying to improve my _____ record.