맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

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맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Day 42 - Do you recycle?

Level 4

Day 42 - Do you recycle?

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • A long time ago, people threw away their garbage all over the place because they were not educated enough to know the results of doing that. The land was also quite empty, and the world was not as crowded as it is today. Throwing away garbage was not a serious issue to discuss at that time. However, as time went by, things changed a lot, and nowadays people recycle to keep the earth clean and healthy. More and more people realize that recycling is not an option but an obligation for all of us and we all need to carry the weight of that obligation. There are no more cutting corners when it comes to the Earth.
    Recycling means that we collect reusable garbage to make new products instead of burning or burying them under the ground. We can recycle many things such as paper products, cans, plastic bottles, glasses, metals, clothes, shoes, and electronics. You can always check the label on a product to find out if it can be recycled before you purchase it. Where can we recycle? We can recycle everywhere such as at home, at work, and at school. Recycling in factories must be considered more seriously since the amount of waste can be excessive compared to the waste of from an individual's home.
    Second, there are many benefits of recycling. Recycling requires less money than incineration or landfilling. Recycling also consumes less energy than making new products. Therefore, we waste a lot if we do not recycle. Recycling can obviously reduce garbage which means we no longer need many landfill sites, and we can turn those landfill sites into public parks or build new buildings. Natural resources and any other fresh raw materials can be saved as well, and people will not have to be concerned about water pollution and air pollution anymore.
    Third, what will happen if we do not recycle? For instance, let's talk about trees. If we do not recycle paper products, there will be fewer trees and plants to provide oxygen for us. Air pollution will get worse, and animals can become extinct or endangered because they will lose their habitats. We must realize that trees can give us more than just paper products. They help us stay healthy and keep our nature in balance. Finally, we cannot live in a world that is full of garbage all around us. It is necessary that we pass on something good to the next generation and make the earth a better place to live in by recycling. Recycling is a small thing that we can do, but it can surely make a huge difference for the earth. Everyone should make an effort to take a step in the right direction. Thank you for listening.


    1. "carry the weight" : to take the responsibility

    2. "cutting corners" : to not do a proper job at something

    3. "take a step in the right direction" : to start doing the right thing

Vocabulary Corner

obligation reusable incineration landfill extinct endangered
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Discussion Questions
수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.

  • 1.

    What does it mean to recycle?
  • 2.

    Why should we recycle?
  • 3.

    What happens to the environment when the air is polluted?
  • 4.

    Do you think recycling will make our environment better? How so?
  • 5.

    What are some ways to reduce garbage?
  • 6.

    What can you do to promote recycling in your neighborhood?
Why do people recycle these days?
What are the benefits of recycling?
What can we do with the land when we don’t need much space for burying waste?
Vocabulary Check (Preview)
A lot of our trash just goes into a _____.
Dinosaurs are _____.
Parents have an ______ to take care of their kids
It’s best to use _____ materials.
_____ is the only way to destroy something completely.
_____ animals are protected by law.