맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

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맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Day 52 - How well are you aware of safety?

Level 4

Day 52 - How well are you aware of safety?

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • We all know how important safety is. No matter where we go, we have to follow safety rules to protect ourselves and others. If I do not follow safety rules, I put others in danger. Because of me, innocent people could get hurt. That's why we need to know what rules we have to follow in different places for our safety. First of all, at school, we should not run in the hallway. Running is fun. However, sometimes students bump into each other and get hurt. Also, we should not yell or scream in the classroom or bring any dangerous toys into the classroom. Standing on the desk is also unacceptable. Your desk is for studying; not to step on. Don't leave banana peels on the floor. Your friend might slip on the floor and break his or her leg. There are many students at school. So, you have to be careful not just for your sake but for others as well.
    Second, on the street, so many accidents could happen. Cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and people are busy going their ways. When we cross the street, we always have to check if a car is coming or not. Don't run right away even if the light is green. Wait for a second and make sure that all vehicles have stopped. We should not text or play games while we are crossing the street. If you rollerblade or ride a bicycle, you should always wear your helmet and elbow pads, and in the future don't eat or take calls while you are driving. Drivers can never be too careful. And always wear your seat belt. Don't be a careless driver. Don't be a careless pedestrian.
    Third, even when you are at home where you feel very comfortable, there are some rules to follow in order to keep the house safe. Children should not play with matches. Always remember that a little flame can totally burn down your house. When you are alone at home, do not open the door to a stranger, and if you sense something weird or strange, immediately call 911 for help. In the kitchen, there are some sharp kitchen utensils, so unless you have your mom's permission or an adult's supervision, don't try to cook, or bake anything all by yourself. Finally, safety is not only one person's responsibility. We have a shared responsibility to keep safety in mind all the time. I think safety must be taught at an early age and proper guidelines must be given to children to practice them. Kids need to understand that fun is not everything, and safety always comes first. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.


    1. "for your sake" : to do something for someone else’s happiness or comfort

    2. "all by yourself" : to do something or to be alone

    3. "better to be safe than sorry" : be safe so you done regret it later

Vocabulary Corner

unacceptable pedestrian matches utensils supervision guidelines
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

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Discussion Questions
수업 시간에 꼭 다루는 질문들이에요.

  • 1.

    What are the safety rules at school?
  • 2.

    What kinds of toys can be dangerous?
  • 3.

    Are there any safety rules at home?
  • 4.

    Have you ever had an accident because someone was careless? What happened?
  • 5.

    Have you ever hurt someone because you weren’t paying attention What happened?
  • 6.

    When do we need an adult’s supervision?
Why does the speaker think standing on the desk is unacceptable?
What should we do when we cross the street?
Vocabulary Check (Preview)
Use _____ to start a fire.
I need to get out the _____ for dinner.
Being mean to others is _____.
Kinds need _____ when they swim.
If you are walking on the street, then you are a _____.
Follow the _____ of the instructor.