맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

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Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

The Do’s and Don’ts


Don’t Buy Bottled Water

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • Switzerland has some of the cleanest and best-tasting water in the world, so visitors do not have to buy bottled water. Bottled water is also very expensive in Switzerland. The price of a 500ml bottle of mineral water at a supermarket costs at least around CHF 1 (₩1,200). Buying bottled water in Switzerland is like throwing money out the window! Safe and clean water is always available from taps and fountains. Visitors should feel safe to drink the tap water and skip the bottled water.

Vocabulary Corner

cost at least available tap fountain skip
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

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(비용이) ~들다

Useful expression

throw money out the window 쓸데 없이 돈 낭비를 하다, 돈을 갖다 버리다

  • Throwing away perfectly good food is like throwing money out the window!
    먹을 만한 음식을 버리는건 돈을 쓸데 없이 버리는거나 마찬가지다.

  • Taking a cab for short distances when you can walk is like throwing money out the window.
    걸어갈 수 있는 짧은거리를 택시타고 가는건 돈을 갖다 버리는 거나 마찬가지다.

  • My parents always told me that it is like throwing money out the window if I leave the water running when I brush my teeth.
    부모님께서는 양치할 때 물을 틀어 놓고 하는 것은 돈을 갖다 버리는거나 마찬가지 라고 항상 말씀 하신다.

throw away perfectly distance leave run

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맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘
그대로 두다
Q & A
Q. What is the
in your country
when it comes to
drinking water?
A. In Malaysia, tap water is not safe to drink. However, most locals do not buy bottled water for daily consumption because it is too expensive. Instead, locals usually boil their water or buy a water filter. Water filters have become common because it is the more convenient option. My family used to boil water every day when I was younger. However, 3 years ago, my mother bought a water filter and we no longer need to boil water.
custom when it comes to consumption instead boil water filter common convenient used to no longer

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~에 관한한
정수기 필터
~하곤 했다
더 이상 ~이 아닌
cost (비용이) ~들다
at least 최소한
available 이용가능한
tap 수도꼭지
fountain 분수대
skip 생략하다
throw away 버리다
perfectly 완벽하게
distance 거리
leave 그대로 두다
run 흐르다
custom 관습
when it comes to ~에 관한한
consumption 소비
instead ~대신에
boil 끓이다
water filter 정수기 필터
common 일반적인
convenient 편리한
used to ~하곤 했다
no longer 더 이상 ~이 아닌