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Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지



Work and Life Balance

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • Australia is ranked the fourth happiest country in the world, with the perfect balance of work, family, and leisure. Australia has a wonderful work-life balance compared to other countries. For most Australians, work is a fundamental element of society, but it must be accompanied by time for rest and leisure activities. Most Australian work from 9 am to 5 pm. Bars and pubs are popular places to relax with friends and colleagues after a hard day's work. Australians also engage in leisure activities after work and during the weekends.

Vocabulary Corner

rank leisure compare to fundamental element society be accompanied by pub colleague engage in
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

단어를 선택해주세요.

등급을 매기다
레저, 오락
~와 비교하다
~을 동반하다
대중적인 술집
Q & A
Q. Describe the work and life balance culture in your country.
A. The American work and life balance is pretty similar to Australia’s. Most Americans also believe in a healthy work life balance. What this means is that if you leave on time, bosses are not as likely to make a big deal out of it and companies understand better when you have to take leave for family matters. In fact, it is part of the company policy to have a work life balance. I know this is very different from other countries, where leaving on time is not even something to think about. However, this also depends on the industry in America. I have some friends who work in the media industry, and it seems that they are always on call or working late to meet deadlines.
describe pretty similar to on time take leave family matter in fact policy depend on industry on call meet a deadline

단어를 선택해주세요.

~와 비슷한
정각에, 시간을 어기지 않고
휴가를 떠나다
~에 달려있다
(비상시를 위해) 대기중
마감일을 맞추다

Useful expression

make a big deal 유난을 떨다, 호들갑 떨다, 과장하여 생각하다
  • I didn't mean to make such a big deal out of it.. 그렇게 야단법석 떨고 싶지는 않았다.
  • Don't make a big deal out of nothing. 아무것도 아닌 걸로 너무 과장하지 마라.
  • I'll help you find it. Don't make a big deal about it. 찾도록 도와 줄게. 너무 호들갑 떨지 마.
rank 등급을 매기다
leisure 레저, 오락
compare to ~와 비교하다
fundamental 근본적인
element 요소
society 사회
be accompanied by ~을 동반하다
pub 대중적인 술집
colleague 직장동료
engage in 참여하다
describe 서술하다
pretty 상당히
similar to ~와 비슷한
on time 정각에, 시간을 어기지 않고
take leave 휴가를 떠나다
family matter 집안일
in fact 사실
policy 정책
depend on ~에 달려있다
industry 산업
on call (비상시를 위해) 대기중
meet a deadline 마감일을 맞추다
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