맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

전체 지도

Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지


  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • Grab is a popular transportation service application in Singapore. Unlike traditional taxis, Grab drivers are private car owners driving their own cars for the Grab company. Passengers can only book Grab cars via the Grab application in their phones. Grab locates the nearest car for passengers and estimates the cost of the journey upon booking. Unlike traditional taxis, passengers know the cost of the ride before the ride.

Vocabulary Corner

Unlike traditional Passenger book via locate estimate journey
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

단어를 선택해주세요.

~와는 달리
~를 통하여
Q & A
Q. Do you think there are any advantages to getting a Grab ride over a traditional taxi?
A. I lived and worked in Singapore for a few years, and I can say for sure that it is more convenient to get a Grab ride. The Grab application locates the nearest car for passengers so I could always a Grab faster than traditional taxis. Traditional taxis always took longer to respond. It was convenient to get a traditional taxi by the roadside in most parts of Singapore. However, I had to take the trouble to walk out to the road to get one. With Grab, I could book a ride in the comfort of my own home. Also, with a Grab ride, I was able to know the cost of the ride in advance.
for sure convenient respond in advance

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반응을 보이다

Useful expression

In the comfort of 편하게
  • It is so convenient to pay our bills online in the comfort of our homes. 가정에서 온라인으로 우리의 고지서 금액을 납부하는 것은 매우 편리하다
  • The child is found and is now safe and sound in the comfort of his mother’s arms. 아이는 어머니의 품에서 발견되었고 품 안에서 편안한 것 같다.
  • I am glad that we are able to have church service in the comfort of our own homes during the Covid-19 pandemic. 나는 코로나19 기간동안 우리의 집에서 예배를 드릴 수 있다는 것에 매우 기쁘다.
Unlike ~와는 달리
traditional 전통적인
Passenger 승객
book 예약하다
via ~를 통하여
locate 위치하다
estimate 추정하다
journey 여행
for sure 확실히
convenient 편리한
respond 반응을 보이다
in advance 미리