맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

전체 지도

Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

The Do’s and Don’ts


Do Expect Quiet During Siesta

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • Spain practices a unique custom known as the “siesta.” A siesta is a time in the middle of the day when most Spanish people stop to rest and take a nap. A siesta happens from 2pm to 4pm in the day. At this time, many businesses and stores close for employees to rest and take a nap. Foreigners conducting business in Spain and visitors on vacation will need to plan their activities before and after this mid-afternoon break.

Vocabulary Corner

unique custom take a nap happen employee conduct break
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

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낮잠을 자다
Q & A
Q. Do you get enough sleep? Does your culture have a custom of taking breaks in the mid-afternoon like the Spanish do?
A. Unfortunately, I don’t get as much asleep as I would like. As a working adult, I worked long hours and didn’t get enough sleep. The Korean culture does not practice siestas, and there is no practice of taking any breaks in the mid-afternoon like the Spanish do. I often wished that we did in South Korea. However, during lunch hours, most people would finish their meals in half an hour and go back to their office to nap at their desk for the rest of the lunch hour. It was not an official custom but a lot of people were starting to do that because of lack of sleep. But it also depended on what industry you worked in. I worked in the marketing industry but when I shared this with my friends in the banking and broadcasting industries, they were shocked and envious, because there was no such thing in those industries.
unfortunately official lack of sleep depend on industry broadcasting envious

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잠이 부족한
~에 따라 다르다

Useful expression

no such thing 그런일은 없다, 그런것은 없다
  • Children are often told that there is no such thing as monsters under the bed. 아이들에게 때론 침대밑에 몬스터 같은건 없다고 말합니다.
  • The elderly couple was looking for a car without air-conditioning, but no such thing exists nowadays! 한 노 부부가 에어컨이 없는 차를 찾고 있었는데, 요즘엔 그런 것은 존재하지 않는다.
  • There is no such thing as a perfect person. 완벽한 그런 사람은 없다.
elderly exist

단어를 선택해주세요.

unique 독특한
custom 관습
take a nap 낮잠을 자다
happen 발생하다
employee 피고용인
conduct 수행하다
break 휴식
unfortunately 불행히도
official 공식적인
lack of sleep 잠이 부족한
depend on ~에 따라 다르다
industry 산업분야
broadcasting 방송
envious 부러워하는
elderly 어르신들
exist 존재하다