맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지

전체 지도

Q & A
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 교재 구분 이미지

Filming Locations

  • 맛집영어 영어수강 영어교재 이미지
  • The Spanish region of Anadalucia is featured in one of the Indiana Jones movie. The entire Indiana Jones movie series featured a collection of several movies. Indiana Jones, The Last Crusade was partly filmed in Andalucia. In the movie, Indiana Jones and his father ended up on a beautiful sandy beach when they were chased by hostile airplanes. In real life, this beach is the Monsul Beach in Andalucia, Spain. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery that surround them when relaxing on this beach. This location is highly recommended for visitors in this region of Spain.

Vocabulary Corner

region feature entire partly end up sandy beach chase hostile scenery surround location highly recommend
맛집영어 온라인 화상영어 단어 voca 아이콘

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특징으로 삼다
결국~에 처하게 되다
Q & A
Q. Describe the most beautiful or interesting beach that you have been to.
A. Most of the beaches that I have been to are quite beautiful but they are all quite similar. The one experience that I had with water that was very interesting was not a beach by the sea but a lake. It was so large that it looked like a beach by the sea. This lake is in the Utah state of America. What is interesting about this lake is that the water is salty. Most lakes have fresh water but this one has salty water. There were no fishes in it and swimming in it was very interesting. It felt heavy when I tried to walk in it. I didn’t want to go to the deep part of the lake but my friends who did said that it was more difficult than usual to swim in the salty water. It was a very interesting experience that I had never had before. We also heard that the water was good for some skin conditions but we had no way of knowing.
quite similar salty

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짠맛이 나는

Useful expression

no way of knowing ~을 알길이 없다
  • There is still no way of knowing whether we'll win or not. 우리가 이길지는 여전히 미지수다.
  • There's no way of knowing how much longer the team will maintain its winning position. 그 팀이 언제까지 연승행진을 이어 갈지는 미지수다.
  • There's just no way of knowing how the election will shape up. 선거가 어떻게 될지 정말 알 방법이 없어요.
maintain election

단어를 선택해주세요.

region 지역
feature 특징으로 삼다
entire 전체의
partly 부분적으로
end up 결국~에 처하게 되다
sandy beach 백사장
chase 쫓다
hostile 적대적인
scenery 경치
surround 둘러싸다
location 위치
highly 매우
recommend 추천하다
quite 상당히
similar 비슷한
salty 짠맛이 나는
maintain 유지하다
election 선거