▶ Characteristic/personality
I have traveled to fifteen and counting countries and lived in three outside my own. I am an avid sports fan, and I also read a lot about politics and current events. My strengths are that I am punctual, patient, and persistent.
▶ To 맛집영어 students
The benefit of my teaching style is that the student will always learn something new. Even if the level is too easy for the individual or if the class finishes earlier, I will add extra material to make it more challenging to keep the student sharp. I always ask if there are any questions throughout the lesson to make sure we are all on the same page and that there are no doubts. My goal is to improve the fluency and pronunciation of all students and to watch them grow as learners.
▶ Tutor’s experience
Tutor Experience
I have been teaching since April 2015. I taught my first year in Thailand at an all-girls school in Bangkok. After that, I committed two more years in Vietnam in public schools and learning centers to children and adults working with students of all ages. My major in university was geography, and my minor was anthropology.
무료수업이어도 정규와 같은 방식으로 하는 게 제일 좋네요. 다른 업체들은 그냥 전화로만 몇분 하고 끝내는 경우가 많은데. 더스틴 튜터님의 경우 제 대답을 다 들어주니니 특히 교정할때에 중요한 부분들만 짚어서 알려주시는 것에 가장 좋은것같습니다. 수업하고 남은 게 있는 느낌이네요.
더스틴 튜터와 수업하니 다른 선생님들하고 할 때보다 조금 더 속도가 느려져서 좋네요. 초보자를 알아보시고 일부러 천천히 해주시는건지...?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ수업 재밌게 잘 했습니다 다음번에도 또 다른 주제 새로운거 흥미로운거 찾으면 더스틴 쌤하고 하려구요 ^^